If exploring working with a Career Coach is on your to do list for this year, then let’s take a look at how you will decide which one is right for you. When you are looking for a Career Coach I believe there are 8 attributes you should consider. By making your way though this list, and then using it as a tool to help you decide, it is my hope that you will engage the services of a Career Coach who is best suited to you and your individual needs.
1. Are they realistic?
A good Career Coach will be realistic with you about what is achievable based on your time frame and financial goals. While your Career Coach is your advocate, it is essential that they are realistic with you about what you can achieve with your current skills and experience and plans for your career. If what they are promising you sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. It’s important they can be honest with you and include a review of your CV/resume as part of their services.
2. Are they flexible?
A good Career Coach needs to provide you with a variety of options to help you. Their suggested approach will depend on what stage of your career you are in and what your current needs are. If you speak to a Career Coach and they seem to take a ‘one size fits all’ approach, beware! You need an experienced professional who is prepared to take the time to ask you questions and wants to really understand your needs so they can tailor options to meet your requirements.
3. Do they provide you with insight?
The ability to provide insight is the difference between a good and great Career Coach. An experienced Career Coach will be able to draw insights based on your stage of career, your industry, your role type, your approach and how you present yourself.
And remember! You need to be open to being asked (and willing to answer) the difficult questions if you want to get the benefit of a Career Coach’s insight.
4. Qualified and have the right tools for you
A Career Coach may be part of organisations within their industry, have some formal qualifications or extensive experience as a Career Coach. What is most important is that they explain to you the tools they use and how this will help you as you work with them. The types of tools Career Coaches use will range from strength finder tests, personality tests, skills evaluations, CV reviews and a variety of other methods to support you.
5. Experienced
When deciding on a Career Coach, review all of the available online material about them. The best recommendations normally come from friends or colleagues in their network who have used their services and can tell you about their experience. The Career Coach’s website, LinkedIn Profile and any recommendations other people have left on their LinkedIn profile will give you a good sense of their experience and approach. Don’t be afraid to ask for a small list of the Career Coach’s previous clients you can call to discuss what they gained from their services.
6. Conservative
You may be surprised that I have listed this as a criteria, however I do recommend that you choose a Career Coach who helps you make calculated risks. Any career move requires careful consideration of your financial goals, and so these need to be factored into your conversations, ensuring you are making calculated risks, versus foolish decisions.
7. Have your interests at heart
While a good Career Coach must be realistic and conservative, they are also your advocate and the reason why they can be such an asset to your career and planning. Many people make the mistake of relying on a recruiter as their advocate, and are surprised when they don’t get the support they expected (and need) when they are actively looking for work.
In this blog post http://www.letzcreate.com.au/career-coach-vs-recruiter/ I share the differences between a Career Coach and a Recruiter to help you understand this better.
8. Understands the importance of mindset
The success you have in life will be strongly influenced by your mindset. It is critical that your Career Coach is able to work with you to encourage a positive mindset that helps you feel empowered to tackle this next stage of your career, encourages you to fly and, most importantly, guides you down the path of achieving your dreams!
When you work with me, you can expect someone who listens and ticks all of these boxes.
I am a passionate Career Coach who works with individuals in the explore and search phase of their career journey, helping you realise your strengths through my career coaching and training programs. I enjoy showing people the path to greater career satisfaction and providing insight and tools to help you make your next career move.