My name is Marina Pitisano
Your Online Careers Guidance Counselor
I meet way too many professionals who simply aren’t happy in their jobs. There are many reasons for this, but the general theme is that they feel stuck. It may be because they’ve been passed over for a promotion, they’ve had some conflict with their manager, co-worker, a supplier or client or there’s whispers of an organisational restructure and so no one wants to make a decision any more.
It’s frustrating and it’s not where you want to be.
I’d like to put you at ease and let you know that it’s okay to be unhappy. What’s not okay is doing nothing about these feelings. Yes, I understand you need time to process your circumstances, but there does come a time when you need to put a line in the sand and ask for help from an experienced Online Careers Guidance Counsellor.
If you are finding yourself in more and more conversations with friends or colleagues where you’re telling people you are unhappy, this is a really good starting point. And perhaps it is a friend, family member or colleague who cares about your happiness who recommended you look me up!
Can Look Brighter With Online Career Guidance Counselling
I’m so glad you found me, because acknowledging your dissatisfaction with your current circumstances is a healthy first step in making the changes necessary to get closer to achieving greater happiness.
Even if you have no idea what this better state of being may look like. It’s okay to not know what you don’t know. My experience supporting people with career guidance will help you reach your goal.
Online Career Guidance Counselling Help You?
Talking with a Career Guidance Counselor about where you are at will help you identify your unique skills, experiences and strengths so that I can help you develop a much clearer understanding of your options for your next career move.
You can take advantage of my resume review and complimentary discovery session, or I can partner you all the way through your journey to securing a new role. The choice is yours and I provide a variety of flexible options to help you decide what’s best for you.
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